Sunday, December 5, 2021

Which transformer or agent of change was I this year?


Notes to share at PLD sessions:

So much transformation/ changes.

At  times this year, all of these applied to me. 

Going into lockdown- mother diagnosed, moved parents to Auckland, one daughter just engaged, other daughter pregnant and needing care. 

Study wasn't top priority with family's wellbeing needs

What you think you're setting out to transform, might not always work out in the way you imagined.

Sometimes things happen to transform you, and it's usually for your good anyway.

Thankful during this lockdown that I didn't have to be in the hot seat- realised the pressure of the decision making, constant sifting through and disseminating information, processing own emotions and being aware of others and the morale of people as you navigate leading remotely. I would watch the updates and feel a sense of relief I didn't need to do anything further once they'd finished.

Leading in these times- damned if you do, damned if you don't. High stakes stuff and you just have to do your best with what you have and know at the time.

Self care, so you can care for your loved ones.

I can see transformation of SLT. Thinking how to transition back to role, and continue to support growth/ transformation (and get/stay out of their way too when I need to🤣).

Friday, July 30, 2021

Day 1 DFI Reflection

Day 1. Don't judge me (advice to myself, and maybe anyone else reading this post).

 I'm glad there is a mute button, so no one could hear my choice of words today. The F in DFI... was for frustrating- not with the professional development, but just with myself. The way in which I've got my work google set-up needs to be sorted so that everything is more streamlined....but I'll get this sorted and I'm sure this will help me the next time we have DFI. 

Apart from frustrated, I also think F was also for fantastic. Fantastic because I learnt lots of really handy tips about the use of G Suite tools, some of which I thought I knew well. Was I wrong or what?! 

It was good to hear again the story of Manaiakalani, and the thing that stuck out for me is that it is a story about people. A story for people. And one day, I hope my school community can be just one new chapter in that awesome story. 

I think one of the biggest takeaways for me today would be how to better manage my files. How to name them and organise them, so that if Marie Kondo rocked up (online) and hacked into my Google Drive, she would be impressed. I guess I should also remember that Marie Kondo also reminds us when letting go of old ways, things, habits, is that we should embrace that, thank it for what it gave us, and then let it go with gratitude. 

Some things I learnt  about today that could be used with my learners, including the adult learners in our school, includes: the voice typing tool, how to create headings and table of contents (I'm going to use both of those myself with my studies this year);  what explorer is (who knew that star at the bottom of my google doc pages was so handy?!), and some of the tips in our 'Create' activity, to encourage ourselves as we think about task design, and how these tools can support that mahi in our kura. 

I'm glad I signed up for DFI this term, as even though it's a juggle with my studies, it's also going to help me with them as well.

Thanks to the facilitating team for a cool start to the DFI journey. 

Monday, July 26, 2021